Thursday 4 September 2014

The battle against the Wendigo!

Before I begin to tell you the story (I won't tell you every detail but I'll try to not forget anyhting important) , I wanted to show you the crystal which allows me to fly !
Here it is, guys :

Cool ,huh?
I'll teach you how those things work in another post!
So ok you wanna hear the story ?
It was our first non-paper-exam where we've been teleported to a place we didn't know before!
We were divided in groups of 4 people and every group was sent to a different place where they had to find out what was going on there ,who or what was the enemy (or enemIES) and so on.
So basically you had to kill the monster and get back to the platform from which you were teleported so the teachers could port you back to the Academy.
It kinda sounds creepy ,right? I mean we could've died or get at least hurt. But the exam places were safe so there were no reeeaal monsters ,and if they bit you the wound would vanish right before your eyes in minutes.
But you shouldn't get hurt ,eaten or whatever cause that would make your grade worse.
And you don't want that.
Trust me.
Nevertheless we were quite scared because our mission was to kill a Wendigo and that thing is really creepy if you ask me. I mean it drags people to its cave and eats them and it can imitate voices ,so when someone of the group gets lost and you hear his voice screaming for help you really shouldn't go towards it.
Even if it sounds terrible ,you have to stay together that night and start searching for him or her the NEXT day.
We're helpless at night when it comes to our eyes.Even with magic.
And trust me you don't want to walk through a pitch black forest at night while hearing a friend of yours scream his lungs out just to be found by the Wendigo to get an even worse grade than expected.
So the first day of our mission was pretty normal but at night we heard something in the bush and started to feel uncomfortable.
The next day we found out that it was a Wendigo because of some signs that we found in the forest.
That night we decided to do night shifts.I was the first to stay up while the others went sleeping.
Nothing special happened so I ate some marshmellows and woke up a friend of mine when it was his turn.
In the morning we discovered that our friend was GONE.
We spent hours looking for him but we didn't find him until evening.
Then we heard a voice ! His voice , screaming and shouting for help.
But we knew that it was a trap so we stayed close to each other and waited.
Suddenly the Wendigo jumped out of the shadows and attacked us.
I don't know if you've seen a really ugly stinky werewolf-like looking dog but that thing was even worse!
It could stand on its hind legs and it had the eyes of the devil.
I still get shivers when I think about it!
One of us had the power of earth magic.
She gave some roots the order to wrap themselves around the Wendigos' body!
But that didn't help at all !
So I came up with a stupid plan that kind of worked out for us.
I shot a little plasma ball towards the monster and then I ran to a tree and climbed it as high as I could.
As  I planned the beast followed me and started climbing the tree as well but it was way to heavy so I shot as many plasma balls as it took to knock him out !
Meanwhile our friend crawled out of the cave to our place and another one helped him and wrapped his wounds in leafs.
This was one hell of a night I can tell ya.
The next day we ate some sandwiches and went back to the teleporting place.
At the end of the day we all got good grades and were allowed to stay 2 days at home (well in our treehouse home^^ ).
We went to the big bazaar and bought some candy ,sat by the fireplace and sang songs and went to sleep in our king sized beds <3
Next time I will tell you more about our room and the location ! 

See ya soon 
Big hugs from Rox<3

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Hi , I'm just a normal Magician.

So lets start this Blog...
My Name is Roxanne Feather , I am 19 years old and I go to a magical school in a magical place.I shouldn't reveal everything about this Academy but it's pretty cool.
Before I got there I was just a normal 18 year old girl stuck in a crazy boring world.
But sometimes things happen ,you know ,and then your whole life changes forever!
On the way to school (the first time ever) we recieved our special talents.
Everyone has their own talent like Fire Magic or Earth Magic or even Stormy Explosion Stuff Magic.
I can shoot plasma balls.
It's quite awesome if you ask me.
We don't have internet or stuff like that in Sendrael which is the place we go to school.But you don't really need such things when you have the ability to fly,perform magic and live in a big treehouse where your janitress looks like a cute little Hobbit.
You're probably wondering why I write this Blog and why I have Internet ?
Well I am back from school for holidays and I wanted to share this stuff with you who believe in real magic!
And no I am not really affraid of people who want to attend the same school as me ,people who would do anything for such an opportunity but you know what ? Every 5 years the school chooses an other country in our world from which they take 30 students who truely believe in magic for next 5 years of magic education. So that means that you can't get there on your own and you can't really chose who gets the chance of attending this awesome sauce school.
That's why I want to share my daily magical life with you. With those who would love to get to a school like that but weren't chosen.

Lets talk about our schedule.
We have also subjects in our Academy and they include stuff like magical fighting techniques ,spells and curses ,Flying (btw we don't use brooms for that.Some of us can fly because it is their ability and some of us have a talisman whichallows them to fly ) yada yada yada...

So yeah and that will be the stuff I'll be talking about on this blog. I hope some of you enjoy it and I'll see you next time where I'll be telling you about our first exam-mission in the woods !
We had to fight a WENDIGO ! A real Wendigo ! But I save that for next time.
See y'all soon !

Big Hugs from Rox.